General services
Account creation
Account administration
Inactive account fee
Investment services
Investor fee
Contract conclusion/administration
Administration of overdue payments of the Borrower under the loan agreement
This fee is applied when the project owner fails to meet their obligations. Annual interest is calculated based on the uncovered investment amount by the project owner (according to the Financing Agreement). These interests are allocated for the administration of delayed payments by the project owner. The fee is deducted from the increased interests paid by the project owner.
10% annual interest
Withdrawal fee
0,00 Eur
EUR 1.88 fee only applies to second and further withdrawals within 1 calendar month
Borrowing services
Application administration and evaluation
0 - 1%
Contract conclusion fee (one-off)
Calculated from the collected amount, deducted from the paid amount.
2 - 5 % (but not less than EUR 1 300)
The fee is calculated based on the term of the Loan Agreement for the entire loan period (regardless of whether the loan is repaid early), which must be paid in full at once and deducted from the disbursed amount. If the loan is not repaid on time, this fee is calculated until the final repayment of the loan.
Contract administration fee (monthly)
The minimum total amount of the Contract conclusion and Contract administration fee is not less than EUR 1,300.
0,1 - 0,2 % (but not less than EUR 1 300)
The minimum total amount of the Contract conclusion and Contract administration fee is not less than EUR 1,300.
Project upload and advertising fee
250 - 2500 EUR
Mortgage administration (one-off) (simple transaction, no more than 5 property units / more than 5 property units or non-standard transaction (foreclosure adapted to the property, etc.))
350 - 1 500 EUR
Uploading a new project phase to the platform
100 - 500 EUR
Contract termination fee in case of refusal of financing
It is paid in cases where the Project Owner has signed the Credit Offer, but refuses financing or does not fulfill the conditions specified in the contract (e.g. refuses/no longer pledges real estate).
3 months' interest on the financed amount, as well as Contract conclusion and Contract administration fees
Contract prolongation fee
5 % of the amount for which the repayment deadline is extended
Property insurance coordination service
100 EUR
Granting permission to sell, remortgage property, refinance (for each document prepared within 5 days)
150 EUR
Issuance of urgent permission to sell, re-mortgage property (for each document, prepared within 2 days)
300 EUR
Permission for the borrower to deregister part/all of the mortgage (for each document, prepared within 5 days)
Urgent permission for the borrower to deregister part/all of the mortgage (for each document, prepared within 2 days)
150 EUR
Deregistration of a mortgage (within five business days).
150 EUR
Urgent mortgage deregistration (within two business days).
300 EUR
Changing the mortgage transaction when the transaction is signed outside of Vilnius
150 EUR
Issuance of other permits - for design, establishment of servitude, dismemberment, etc. (for each document prepared within 5 days)
150 EUR
Loan repayment is due within 7 days before the loan term ends.
Early repayment of the loan or its part
0 - 2 %
Debt administration fee
A one-time fee applied to the credit recipient in the event of a delay in transferring payments related to the repayment of the Loan (Interest, Loan amount, its part, etc.). In the case of a staged project, the fee is applied to each loan schedule (stage) separately.
100 Eur
Increased interest in case of a significant breach of the loan agreement
It is applied in case of default under the loan agreement. The project owner pays the tax to the Investor (the Investor pays a 10% to Profitus for the administration of a loan that is in late).
+15% per annum on top of the weighted interest rate
Increased interest in case of a minor breach of the loan agreement
+3% of the annual interest on top of the weighted interest, but not less than EUR 30 per day
Debt recovery fee
It is applied when the loan agreement is terminated and the recovery process is started (applying to a notary).
5% of the recoverable amount
Asset realization fee
It is applied when Profitus realizes or assists in the realization of recovered assets, calculated from the asset's realization price.
10% of the sale price of the property
Sending notices about non-fulfilment of obligations under the contract by post
10 Eur
Sending documents by post
10 Eur
Sending documents by courier
10 EUR